Access For All
Wandsworth Council
London Recumbents are pleased to take part on Wandsworth Borough Council's Access to All scheme in offering discounted hires to protected residents.
Eligibility Groups + Criteria
Please click on a link below, to obtain your proof of eligibility.
What offer is available?
20% dicount on 1hr hires starting 10am to 12.30pm, for upto 4 people, in Battersea Park.
How do I take advantage of the offer?
Just hire in our usual way, bookings not required, you can just turn up and hire. Bring a proof of Wandsworth residency, your proof of entitlement (dated withing the last 6 months), and a driver's licence or bank card to leave with us for the hour.
Proof of Wandsworth residency, dated within the last 6 months:
Bank Statement
Mobile Phone Bill
Utility Bill
Other dated government document
1. Children in receipt of free school meals – all ages
Please click on the link to obtain your proof of eligibility.
Letter or email from HMRC
Text from Children's Services
2. Asylum Seekers / Refugees
You will need to show your ARC permit.
Application Registration Card Crediit card sized plastic card issued by Home Office to individuals claiming asylum
Application registration card (ARC) - GOV.UK
3. Other benefits
Please click on the link to obtain your proof of eligibility.
Proof of Benefit Letter from HMRC
or proof of payment to bank account
Universal Credit
Jobseekers allowance
Housing Benefit
Council Tax Support
Disability Living Allowance*
Incapacity Benefit / Severe Disablement Allowance
Carer's Allowance*
Child and Working Tax Credit
Income Support
Pension Credit
Employment Support Allowance (ESA)